Your password must contain:
- Minimum 6 characters
- At least one capital letter (within the first 6 characters)
- At least one lowercase letter (within the first 6 characters)
- Minimum one number (within the first 6 characters)
- Your password should also not contain æ, ø, å or other special characters.
You can change the password in the Online Portal Administration under the menu “User Management” and “Edit”.
You will then be sent an email to your admin email address, with a link where you can change the password.
Your online portal account will automatically get unlocked after 30 min.
The email address can be found in your Online Portal Administration under “User Management” and “View”.
By default the username is the same as your MCTPAY Merchant ID. You can find your Online Portal merchant ID on your welcome letter from MCTPAY.
Your Online Portal merchant ID can also be found in the Online Portal Administration and under the menu “User Management” and “View”.
Your Online Portal merchant ID can be found in the Online Portal administration [User Management–>View].
The ID can also be found on the MCTPAY invoices and in the MCTPAY welcome letter.
The marking of suspect payments is an anti-fraud feature that is activated by default in the MCTPAY Administration.
MCTPAY monitors all payments that come through our systems and this feature will flag a payment as suspect if there e.g. has been several unsuccessful payment attempts from the same ID or IP address prior to the successful payment, as this can be a possible sign of fraud.
To check why the transaction is suspect you simply just click the red text which says ”suspect” and a pop-up window will appear with an explanation as well as the option to capture or cancel the transaction.
During the public holiday our cooperative banks will suspend settlement from date which is stated by Goverment, the payment services including but not limited to payment and refund will NOT be affected by the suspension of settlement.
This is typically caused by the followed issues:
The customer made a payment in the payment window but MCTPAY never received a response from the Payment Channel (or bank if it was a direct bank payment).
You should contact MCTPAY to get support immediately.
This depends on the payment channels your customer have made if they use Credit card the refund will take about 3-5 days, if they used the e-wallet with the payment channel, then the refund will be instantly.
The time it takes for the money from a captured transaction to get to your bank account depends on what agreement you’ve made with MCTPAY.
It can be 3-5 working days, for others (minor amount which means accumulate amount less than SGD100) it might be up to 30 days.